Kigali Excusion


Kigali City Tour takes you for an amazing discovery of Rwanda’s capital. Named after a mountain (Actually hill), Kigali is the commercial center of Rwanda with most of the important political offices in the country. Kigali is also one of the cleanest and safest cities in Africa. The roads and general transport system is one of the best in Africa. Walk around the city center will lead to impressive 5 star hotels, high-end restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Because of the modern structures, clean streets, safety and good governance, Kigali has been chosen as host to many important international conferences. As I write this, it is about to host the 2020 commonwealth conference. All these achievements are remarkable given that Rwanda was devastated by the 1994 genocide. The new government headed by the president Paul Kagame has rebuilt the country to become a magnet for investors and tourists. Read more from an article about Interesting facts about Rwanda. Apart from the cleanliness, excellent organization and beautiful hills, Kigali has good climate throughout the year. The best views of the city can be observed from Jurapark and Mount Kigali. From these strategic points, one can spot all the surrounding hills, business centers, slums and residential areas. Our 1 day Tour will take you to discover the culture, history and progress made ever since the end of the 1994 genocide. The 1 day Kigali city tour can be part of an overall Rwanda safari which could include gorilla trekking in the Volcanoes National Park, cultural visits, a game drive in Akagera National Park, exploring the amazing lake Kivu, biking along the Congo Nile trail and chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe National Park. Although Kigali can be traversed by bike or simple walking, we will


Fazenda Sengha is an outdoor recreational center located on top of Mount Kigali, Nyamirambo, Kigali (Rwanda). It faces Northwest and its special location offers beautiful views of the valley and fresh air all year round. At Fazenda, the aim is to offer fun activities for persons of all ages wanting to spend a few hours outdoor, with family and friends. If you don’t feel like trying an activity, you can also sit and relax, and enjoy the good vibes and serenity of the place. At the end of the day when the sun starts to set, the temperature can get chilly, as the location is at 1700 m. At night, there is time to enjoy the bonfires that will be lit for you on the terraces! Some of the activities include: Horse Ride in the Arena Try your horse riding skills on a horse in a safe and secure environment. Our monitors stay with you all the time. Trail Ride Discover the beauty of Mont Kigali and views of Kigali from a horse. This nature trail ride is unique in Rwanda. Slide and Scream! The zip-lines give you the adrenaline not matter the age! Who is the hunter in the family? Show your family that you have what it takes to shoot the arrow in the bull’s eye. This is modern Archery though… Ever jumped so high? The bungee lifts you several meters high. Feel like a bird and try the back flips and the front flips. Quad Bikes Fans of motorsport can discover the Mount Kigali trails on their own ways. Heard of shuttlecocks? Badminton is a fun family game too. Make your teams and hit that shuttle… over the net… but not too far. Trampolines Everyone enjoys jumping on a trampoline. If you practice enough, you can take part to the next Olympics! Food and Beverages Throw that little corn bag in the hole and score points at the “corn holes”. Bring your friends along and start the competition


Bordering the western side of Rwanda and part of Africa’s Great Rift Valley, Lake Kivu is surrounded by magnificent mountains. Kivu’s emerald green waters cover a surface area of 2,700 km2 and is Rwanda’s largest lake and the sixth largest in Africa. Rabavu – previously known as Gisenyi – is a large town on the northern edge of the Lake. It is an hour’s drive from Volcanoes National Park and the perfect place to relax after gorilla trekking. Once a colonial beach resort, Rubavu’s waterfront is lined with fading old mansions, hotels and trendy bars on the lakeshore, ideal for sundowner cocktails. Karongi – half way along the lake, is a popular beach resort with hillsides covered in pines and eucalyptus serve as a backdrop to the sparkling lake. At dawn and dusk, the sound of local fisherman singing carries across the water as they paddle in unison. Rusizi – Located on the southern tip of the lake. Rusizi is a small town on the border with the DRC, with views across to the Congolese city of Bukavu. Rusizi is the closest town to Nyungwe National Park, which is about an hour’s drive away.
Mountain biking or hiking one of the 6 off-the-beaten path stages of the spectacular Congo Nile Trail. The Congo Nile Trail extends 227 kilometers of breathtaking landscapes, from Rabavu in the north, all the way to Rusizi in the south of Lake Kivu. The trail gently curves back and forth as it weaves through hills and mountains beside the lake with eucalyptus trees lining the road and every inch of the hills seemingly terraced with bananas. Akagera national park is the only savannah park in Rwanda where you can see the Big 5 giving you a classic Rwanda wildlife safari. This 1 day Akagera national park wildlife safari will give you a classic African safari outlook on Rwanda – the land of “a thousand Hills.” Akagera National Park is a mixture of Savannah and forested areas giving you varied sights of Rwanda. On your trip, you have chances of sighting the big mammals and beautiful landscape.

Day Trip to Akagera National Wildlife park Safari

Akagera national park is located in Eastern Rwanda on the border with Tanzania. African parks; a non profit organisation is currently managing this park in partnership with Rwanda development board and they are doing a great job with conservation. In the past there were lots of conflict between people and the park but these were partly resolved by fencing off part of the park and the introduction of community tours where visitors are encouraged to visit the communities and benefit accordingly. Akagera national park wildlife safari will give you opportunities of wildlife sightings in Rwanda’s only Savannah park in Rwanda and is home to several mammal species including Lions, Elephants, Giraffes, Hippos, Kobs, Zebras, Bushbucks, Waterbucks and most recently Black Rhinos have been introduces from South Africa, making Akagera national park officially a big 5 park like it was many years ago. It is also home to numerous bird species in the several habitats which include woodland, swamps, lakes and Savannah.